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In randurile de mai jos puteti citi povestea vietii mele. Puteti sa va bucurati impreuna cu mine de ceea ce a facut Dumnezeu in viata mea ...

Marturie personala

Mă numesc Bec Ciprian Corneliu. M-am născut în localitatea Alba Iulia, în 31 May 1985, într-o familie de crestini. Sunt cel mai mic din cei patru copii ai familiei (3 fete si eu).

Încă de mic am frecventat împreună cu familia biserica din localitatea Alba Iulia. Am crescut … insă nu eram unul dintre cei pentru care a merge la biserica era o placere. Nu imi placea foarte mult sa ma rog. Insa .. ceea ce imi placea atunci … erau cantarile de la biserica... dar nici acestea nu ma motivau foarte mult sa merg la biserica.

Aveam deja 15 ani si inca nu fusesem la nici una din intalnirile de tineret care aveau loc o data pe luna. Una din surorile mai mari m-a convins intr-o zi sa particip si eu la seara de tineret organizata de biserica locala. Am mers … si mi-a placut foarte mult.

Inainte de a fi nascut din nou, eram un baiat timid, nu vorbeam cu nimeni, nu salutam pe nimeni si eram inchis in mine. Totusi … dupa acea seara cand am participat la intalnirea cu tinerii, am inceput sa merg regulat la intalnirile tinerilor. Am inceput sa cunosc tinerii, apoi am inceput sa ma implic in biserica.

Primul departament in care am slujit a fost fanfara. Imi placea … insa ceea ce ma fascina era faptul ca eram acolo cu multi tineri de varsta mea … si incet incet am inceput sa ma integrez intre ei.

În biserica din Alba Iulia, in fiecare an la 1 Decembrie se organizeaza o conferinta nationala de tineret. În 2001 am participat pentru prima data la o astfel de conferinta. A fost minunat. Tot ceea ce a fost acolo … parca era special pentru mine. Aceasta zi a fost o zi decisiva in viata mea. Seara, la sfarsitul conferintei pastorul care a predicat a facut o chemare pentru cei care vor sa isi predea viata lui Dumnezeu. Eu am fost unul dintre cei care in acea seara a renuntat la tot ceea ce a fost vechi. M-am transformat într-un om nou.

Dintr-o data, am devenit baiatul care vorbeste cu toata lumea, sta de vorba cu toti, ajuta acolo unde este nevoie, si … lucru care m-a mirat chiar si pe mine … a inceput sa-mi placa sa ma rog. Apoi … am prins o mare pasiune pentru biblie, si se intampla de multe ori ca ramaneam noaptea sa citesc din biblie (noaptea era timpul cand aveam liniste si puteam citi).

Apoi, la aproape un an de la acest eveniment (nasterea din nou), am hotarat sa fiu botezat in apa, marturisind credinta mea in Dumnezeu! Dupa botezul in apa (8 Septembrie 2002) … m-am integrat mult mai bine in biserica si am fost primit in grupul de lauda si inchinare al bisericii, la inceput ca baterist, iar apoi, ca vocalist. A fost un har deosebit sa fiu impreuna cu acest grup, deoarece tinerii din grup m-au ajutat foarte mult sa cresc spiritual. Si datorita acestui grup .. .am invatat sa ajut si eu ... Pe langa departamentul de cantare, am participat la cateva grupuri de studiu, si timp de doi ani (2002-2004) am fost membru (lider) al unui grup de rugaciune. Ne intalneam cam, 10 tineri, inainte de a merge la scoala si aveam un timp de partasie minunat.

In luna octombrie a anului 2003, la un an dupa botezul in apa, eram in Oltenia, o zona defavorizata din Romania. Eram in misiune, impreuna cu grupul de lauda si inchinare. Aici, dupa ce am avut timpul de lauda si inchinare, am avut un timp de rugaciune cand am mijlocit pentru aceasta zona unde eram in misiune. In timpul acestei rugaciuni, am inceput sa vorbesc dintr-o data in limbi, ceea ce era o experienta noua pentru mine.

De atunci am simtit cum ma apropii tot mai mult de Dumnezeu, si mi-am dat seama de ceea ce El vrea de la mine. Mi-am dat seama ca El ma cheama la slujire si pentru ca slujirea mea sa fie eficienta, am considerat ca e necesar sa studiez Biblia într-un loc unde acest lucru este posibil.

M-as bucura sa stiu ca va rugati pentru mine ca sa pot studia la un institut teologic. Multumesc lui Dumnezeu pentru schimbarile pe care le-a facut in viata mea. Poate crezi ca as putea sa te ajut in vreun anumit fel .. .iti stau la dispozitie!

Personal testimony

My name is Ciprian Corneliu Bec. I was born in Alba Iulia, on the 31st of May, 1985, in a Christian family. I'm the youngest in my family, with three older sisters.

Ever since I was a little boy, I used to go to the church with my family.

As I grew up, I was not amongst those that find a pleasure going to church. I didn't really like to pray, but what I really liked were the songs in the church.

I was already 15, and had never went to the youth meetings that were taking place once a month. One of my older sisters convinced me to go to a youth meeting organized by the local church. I went, and….I really enjoyed it.

Before being born again, I was very shy, not talking to anybody, not even greeting anybody, keeping everything inside of me. However, after that meeting, I started going on a regular basis. I got to know the young people, and got involved in the church.

The 1st department in which I served was the orchestra. I really liked it, but what fascinated me was that I was there with other people my age, and slowly , I became "one of them".

In the church I went to, every year on the 1st of December they organize a national youth conference. In 2001, it was the 1 st time I attend to one of these conferences. Everything was wonderful.. everything that took place there, as it were especially for me. That was a decisive day in my life. In the evening, at the end of the conference, the pastor made a calling for all those that want to give their life to God. I was one of those that gave up everything that night, everything that was old. I became a new man.

Suddenly, I became the guy that talks to everyone, helps wherever there's a need, and something that surprised me is that.. I even started liking prayer!

I then got a great passion for the Bible, and very often I used to stay up during the night and read my Bible (that was the only time I had the perfect quietness for reading).

Then, almost a year from this (me being born again), I have decided to get baptized in water, testifying my faith in God!  After the baptism, (8th of September, 2002) I got more involved in the church, and was received as a member of the worship team, first as a drummer, then as a vocalist. It was a special grace from God to be a part of this group, because the group members helped my spiritual growth a lot.

I also participated in a few bible study groups for two years (2002-2004) and was the leader of a prayer group. We were 10 young people that met before going to school, and had a great time together in fellowship.

In October 2003, one year after the baptism, I was in Oltenia, a very poor region of Romania . I was on a mission's trip, with the worship team.

After the worship time, we had a prayer time, and we interceded for this region. During this prayer, I suddenly started speaking in tongues, which was a totally new experience for me.


Ever since, I have felt God drawing me closer and closer to Him, and realized what he wants from me. I realized that He calls me to serve, and for my serving to be efficient, I have considered that it's necessary for me to study the Bible in a Bible Institute.

I thank God for all the changes He has done in my life.

Ceea ce imi da putere in viata de zi cu zi ... este credinta ca Dumnezeu este cu mine. Nu imi pot imagina viata fara Dumnezeu. Daca nu ar exista El ... cu siguranta ca nici eu nu as mai fi. Desi sunt om ... si ma lupt cu firea ... ca toti oamenii ... doresc sa fac din viata mea ceva bun ... si sa fiu unul din oamenii lui Dumnezeu.

Dumnezeu sa te binecuvinteze!!